As part of our service commitment, we have enabled all our valued clients access to upload employee CSVs through their Prosper EX portal.
Below is a guide how to upload employees using Option 1, CSV upload or Option 2 one by one without the need for CSV usage.
Option 1 – CSV bulk upload
Step 1.1: For CSV upload – Please open the CSV template provided by selecting ‘People & Skills Finder’ / ‘Add employee’ and choosing either the “example” template or downloading the pre-populated CSV which contains all members for your entire organization.

See the CSV population customer guide for clarity on how to populate the CSV correctly.
Step 1.2: Click ‘Upload’ and select your ready to go CSV file, click ‘open’.

Step 1.3: If you would like the CSV to be the “source of truth” for employee data, and employees have been removed from the CSV, these employees can be deleted from the platform automatically by selecting the checkbox (a modal will appear for your confirmation). This will delete employees from your organisation that do not exist in the CSV when the updated CSV is imported. If you are only adding members simply click the ‘Add employee(s)’ button.

Step 1.4: A confirmation message will appear as below, and a summary email will be sent when the upload is complete.

Option 2 – One by one
Step 2.1: To upload one or more employees one at a time without the use of a CSV file, simply fill out the fields available.

Step 2.1: To send the welcome email so the new employee can login tick the check box. If you don’t wish to send the welcome to Prosper EX email at this point leave it unchecked. You can send this at a later time by selecting the action icon located in the People & Skills Finder (image below right).
Click ‘Add employee(s)’ button. Success message will appear briefly, and the fields will blank out ready for another entry.

Step 2.2: To add multiple employees in one go, simply fill out the required fields and select ‘Add another employee’ button and repeat.

We appreciate your collaboration and thank you for choosing Prosper EX for your needs. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our support team.