1. To use Skills Mapping navigate to People & Skills Finder and scroll to the bottom of the landing page, scroll down the page and select ‘Manage skills’
2. Populate ‘Skill’ name and click ‘Add’ to add new skill
3. Your new skill will now appear in the list of skills. To add more skills, repeat step 2.
4. Navigate to People & Skills Finder, and select a Member to add a skill
5. View full profile
6. View full profile
7. Scroll to Profile Information, and Search Skills
8. Add skills and Apply
9. Scroll to the bottom of the member profile and Save changes
10. New skill will now appear in the member’s profile, under Skills in the P&SF
11. Search by skill in People & Skills Finder by selecting Filters and Skills
12. Select from your populated skills and Apply
13. Members with your chosen skill (in this case “Residential”) will now show in the P&SF
14. Select Clear Filters to return to view all members